New Visions Youth Development Center, Nashville, Tennessee "Building Blocks of Empowerment" 60' x 25'

Emanuel Project Students get ready for Art Contest!

The Emanuel Project National Art Contest is coming soon!
Until then here is some great art projects by EP students from across the country… Gourd Painting from El Paso, TX, T-shirts Air Brushed from Columbus, GA and Hot Air Balloons on Canvas from Morehead, KY.

Keep Spreading That Color!

, gourd rose gourd guitar gourd bird ghords swirl ghords floral dots ghord- star burst ghord vine ghord el paso ghord  paw ghord  flor 20150628_174704 20150628_174654 20150628_174625 20150628_174606 20150628_174542 IMG_0132 IMG_0135 DSC00376

Keep spreading that color!20150628_174542

20150628_174606 20150628_174625 20150628_174654 20150628_174704 IMG_0132 IMG_0134 IMG_0135 DSC00376

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