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Morehead Incorporates Art into Social Studies and Expresses what Art and the Emanuel Project Means

This is what we mean by incorporating art into the classroom
Check out the art exhibit from the Morehead Ladies and some of their quotes about art and the Emanuel Project:

Social Studies Art

Quotes from Students
I feel like the Emanuel Project gave a good opportunity for people to see that we are not just kids that stay in trouble, but that we are kids that have talents.
To me art is a way to cope with things that has happened in our lives. When you are doing art you are basically showing how you feel through the colors and the things you decide to make.
-Faithlyn 8th grader and participant in the Emanuel Project Art Contest
The Emanuel Project , to me is a good thing for incarcerated youth because it brings out the good in us through our art and it shows others that we can do things even though we are we are locked up.
To me art is peaceful and you can get a lot of frustration out on a piece of paper without getting yourself or others into trouble.
-Brittany C. High School Graduate as of December 2014 and participant in the Emanuel Project Art Contest
The Emanuel Project has brought me great joy. It has helped me find something positive to do when I am dealing with struggles and need to cope. It is a wonderful opportunity for incarcerated youth all over the United States to show their talents in art and express difficult feelings that they might be feeling.
Art isn’t just something you do in elementary school, it is much more than that. It’s a life changing opportunity anyone can have. Most importantly, it has helped me gain confidence in myself, express myself and accept myself the way I am. Art is amazing!
-Jacie 9th grader Emanuel Project Art Contest Winner (2nd Place in Watercolors)
I personally feel the Emanuel Project was very thoughtful for sponsoring and allowing us to participate in the art contest, they didn’t have to. It was good for us to be able to express ourselves in art other than other ways we have in the past because that obviously didn’t get us anywhere.
Art means finding peace and expressing myself through the brilliance and beauty of my work.
-Brittany J. 9th grader Emanuel Project Art Contest Winner(1st Place in Watercolors)
What Art Means to Me…students that weren’t with us during the contest (I didn’t want them to feel left out) Some more of my VERY talented young ladies
-To me art is like a personality, it’s different from everyone, it is unique, bold and bright. My art is a way to have fun an express myself in way that others can’t. -Christian 12 grader
-Art to me is a person expressing what they have seen or hope to see and what they feel or a feeling that only they only understand. -Daiyah 9th grader
-Art to me is a way to express myself in my own unique way. -Christel 10th grader
-Art to me is an outlet. It is a way to express myself and turn whatever type of feeling I am having into something beautiful. Whether it is anger, sadness, frustration or whatever I may be feeling at that time I can turn it into something beautiful, a keepsake or something for others to admire. It inspires me to make each day my masterpiece, no matter what I am going through. -Morgan 12 grader
-Art is a way for me to express my true feelings without speaking. It is what I am feeling. Art is my way to cope with good and bad things that have happened to me. -Destiny 9th grader
-To me art is a gift that can make your life shift, it is true, art can change your life. It is used to help people cope or express themselves. It is something that can never be taken away from you, it is a special gift. Alysha 12th grader

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